Training Program:

Digestive System (Online)

This is a Stream 1 module that is designed for doctors who do not hold this accreditation. Accreditation requires you to complete each of the online modules and to successfully complete the module assessment.

Successful completion of the module will lead to the awarding of  Digestive  System accreditation:

If you have already successfully completed the Stream 1 module and you want to undertake continuing education, please enrol in the Digestive System Update (Stream 2) Module.

Please note: This module does not cover the evaluation of the spleen or splenectomy. If you are interested in evaluation of the spleen and splenectomy you are advised to also enroll in the Hematopoietic System online module.

Module information

This module covers the use of Chapter 10 of the Guides to evaluate permanent impairments of the digestive system. Such impairments may result from direct damage to the digestive system from trauma. Impairments may also result from other indirect mechanisms, such as symptoms or signs arising from the need by a person to take certain medications, which may affect the digestive system.

The module covers:

  • The concept of desirable weight for the purposes of impairment assessment.
  • The methodology used to evaluate all parts of the digestive system.
  • The methodology used to evaluate hernias of the abdominal wall.
  • Apportionment of Impairment: The approach required to disentangle what impairment may or may not be related to a compensable event.

*Course cost includes GST.

*Participants need to have their AMA4 Guide with them when they complete the training.

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