Impairment Assessment Training Programs

The main objective of the Impairment Assessment Training is to improve consistency in the application of the AMA4 Guides amongst Registered Medical Practitioners and improve both intra and inter-rater reliability of impairment assessments.

The composition of the Impairment Assessment Training program is below:

Stream 1 – This training mode is offered for Registered Medical Practitioners who have not previously completed Impairment Assessment training modules. This requires the medical practitioners wishing to undertake training in the Core module (Stream 1) and the respective Stream 1 module(s). Registered medical practitioners must attend training and successfully complete all assessment tasks to receive the accreditation. The modules are offered as Face-to-face/webinars or online.

Stream 2 – This training mode is offered for Registered Medical Practitioners who have successfully completed the training modules previously and are keen to improve their proficiency by updating their skills in the application of the AMA4 Guides and/or other prescribed methods of assessment. This mode also provides a great opportunity to interact with other practitioners and learn from peers.

Please click below for more information about each module.

Training Programs

Core Module
Cardiovascular System Module
Dermatology – Skin System/Scar
Digestive System (Online)
Ear Nose and Throat
Endocrine System (Online)
Gynaecology System
Hand & Upper Extremity
Hematopoietic System (Online)
Infectious Occupational Diseases (Online)
Lower Extremity
Nervous System
Psychiatry GEPIC
Respiratory System: Occupations Asthma
Spine | Spinal Impairment Guides Modification Document (SIGMD)
Urological System (Online)
Visual System
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